
Nestledbetween weathered cliffs and gentlyrolling hillslies Chiusure.

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Chiusure is perched between the towns of Buonconvento and Asciano, in the heart of the Crete Senesi. An area rich in olive trees, vines, orchards and white truffles, this topography south of Siena is famous for its distinctive clay and limestone rock formations, formed over 2.5 million years ago. Lucious green in spring, bright yellow in summer, the vistas of the Crete Senesi, are dotted with solitary oaks and rows of cypress trees.
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The origins of Chiusure trace back to the 8th century, when a hamlet grew around the church of Sant'Angelo in Luco. Because of its location atop the highest relief of the Crete Senesi, Chiusure served as a key observation and defense point for the surrounding area.In 1313, the Sienese family that ruled Chiusure erected a Benedictine monastery on a wooded hill a stone's throw from the village. The Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, consecrated in 1319, became a landmark of the region—its red brick buildings providing a stark contrast to the beige-gray earth tones of the landscape. The monastery’s impressive cloisters, vast library and distinctive pharmacy attract visitors from all over the world.
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Today's visitors marvel at the imposing square tower with drawbridge, the pristine gardens and the sublime frescoes by Luca Signorelli. They sample the wine, herbal liqueur and healing potions produced by the Benedictine monks following ancient recipes that have been passed on from one generation to the next. In more than one way, Monte Oliveto Maggiore is a microcosm of the Italian Renaissance movement that changed the history and culture of Europe.
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Every year at the end of April, Chiusure celebrates the taste of the herbaceous, sweet and earthy vegetable that is the artichoke. It is in season midway through spring and can be savored in a myriad of ways, from steamed or braised to raw or deep-fried. The unique soil around Chiusure combined with the year-round climate and traditional method of cultivation guarantees optimal quality and taste. The four-day Artichoke Festival, marked in the calendar of every local, turns the village into a bustling center for food, music, dance and entertainment.
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Chiusure and Monte Oliveto border the Val d'Orcia National Park, a region that became part of the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004. The landscape, which has remained largely untouched, continues to inspire artists today. Visits to Pienza ('the ideal town'), Montalcino (home to Brunello wine), Bagno Vignoni (natural hot springs) and Radicofani (commanding fortress) are highlights when touring the area.
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20 miles or 35 kilometers from Chiusure lies Siena, the crown jewel of Tuscany (although Florentines will say otherwise). Originally an Etruscan settlement, Siena flourished under the reign of the Kings of the Lombards in the 13th century. Its shell-shaped Campo (town square) is the backdrop for the iconic 'Palio', an annual horse race that dates back to 1650 and The Cathedral of Siena, with its stunning floor mosaics and frescoes, contains art by Michelangelo, Donatello, Pisano and Pinturicchio. In 1995, the entire historic center of Siena became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Chiusure, sitting proudly atop the mighty hills of the Crete Senesi, is where you discover Tuscany in its purest form.
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